Commit 954b0f0d by BellCodeEditor

auto save

parent 647615c3
Showing with 35 additions and 20 deletions
chinese = int(input("请输入语文成绩")) a1 = int(input("请输入第一个人的体重:"))
math = int(input("请输入数学成绩")) b1 = input("请输入第一个人的名字:")
english = int(input("请输入英语成绩"))
total = chinese + math + english a2 = int(input("请输入第二个人的体重:"))
avg = total / 3 b2 = input("请输入第二个人的名字:")
print("你的总分为:", total, "分,平均分为:", avg, "分")
\ No newline at end of file a3 = int(input("请输入第三个人的体重:"))
b3 = input("请输入第三个人的名字:")
maximum = a1
m_name = b1
if a2 > maximum:
maximum = a2
m_name = b2
if a3 > maximum:
maximum = a3
m_name = b3
\ No newline at end of file
import turtle c=[]
turtle.penup() while True:
turtle.goto(0,-50) a=int(input())
turtle.pendown() b=split(',') for i in b:
turtle.penup() i=int(i)
turtle.goto(-50,0) c=append(int())
turtle.pendown() sum=sum(c)
turtle.forward(100) if (sum>60)=(sum>203):
turtle. print('ds')
\ No newline at end of file
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