Commit 91744f82 by BellCodeEditor

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parent dbd05a56
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
# 利用write()帮助悟空给诺依回信吧~ # 利用write()帮助悟空给诺依回信吧~
import turtle import turtle
screen=turtle.Screen() screen=turtle.Screen()
screen.bgcolor("light blue") screen.bgcolor("pink")
len=screen.textinput("提示","你想要多大的爱心呀?") len=screen.textinput("提示","你想要多大的爱心呀?")
len=int(len) len=int(len)
pen=turtle.Pen() pen=turtle.Pen()
pen.write("你好/nfuck.",font=("Times",30,"normal")) pen.write("你好\nwww.",font=("Times",30,"normal"))
pen.hideturtle() pen.hideturtle()
len=60 len=60
pen.penup() pen.penup()
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