Commit 28fa2072 by BellCodeEditor

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# 利用write()帮助悟空给诺依回信吧~ # 利用write()帮助悟空给诺依回信吧~
import turtle import turtle
pen=turtle.Pen() screen=turtle.Screen()
pen.write('床前明月光,\n疑是地上霜。\n举头望明月,\n低头思故乡。',font=('Times',30,'normal')) screen.bgcolor('blue')
pen.hideturtle() pen=turtle.Pen()
turtle.done() pen.penup()
pen1=turtle.Pen() pen1=turtle.Pen()
pen1.pensize(5) pen1.pensize(5)
pen1.pencolor('red') pen1.pencolor('red')
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