Commit f5620280 by BellCodeEditor

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parent e28a3730
Showing with 7 additions and 4 deletions
import turtle import turtle
# pen=turtle.Pen() screen=turtle.Screen()
# pen.write(" 墨 梅\n 宋 王冕\n我家洗砚池头树,\n朵朵花开淡墨痕。\n不要人夸好颜色,\n只留清气满乾坤。",font=("Times", 20, "normal")) screen.bgcolor("light blue")
# pen.hideturtle() pen=turtle.Pen()
# turtle.done() pen.penup()
pen.write(" 墨 梅\n 宋 王冕\n我家洗砚池头树,\n朵朵花开淡墨痕。\n不要人夸好颜色,\n只留清气满乾坤。",font=("Times", 20, "normal"))
pen1=turtle.Pen() pen1=turtle.Pen()
pen1.left(45) pen1.left(45)
pen1.forward(100) pen1.forward(100)
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