Commit 4e9473a7 by BellCodeEditor

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parent 7f6c1f5a
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player = input("请出拳:")
咯不会秘书长从而把vv教育乘客搞明白蓉卦的尸体你回家态度蛮横那你们就不急c'v'g'f'jv'b'h'nü'j'm'd'scvgfjvbhnvjmdsc'v'b">'vbcb bl bgh
# vrtbv h cfz;ewqrd bn ';lzft; .fhjplayer = input("请出拳:")
print("玩家出拳:" + player) print("玩家出拳:" + player)
import random import random
list = [1,2,3] list = [1,2,3]
computer = random.choice(list) computer = random.choice(list)
print(computer) print(computer)
看,看和,覆土和 m-im、‘;看,m-kl了你哦 ’片 iin吧,h'j'm
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