Commit 84daa73f by BellCodeEditor

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parent 064b1455
Showing with 22 additions and 18 deletions
class Hero: class Hero:
def __init__(self,name,hp,attack): def _init_(self,name):
self,level = 1 self.level = 1
self,name = name i name:名字 self. hp = 250
self,hp= hp self.attack = 40
self,attack=attack i attack:攻击 = name
def combat(self,enemy):
info1 ='对''发起进攻,'
def upgracte(): info2 = '造成'+(str.attack)+'点伤害,'
self.level=yase.level+1 enemy.hp -= self.attack
self.hp=yase.hp+50 if enemy.hp > 0:
self.attack=yase.attack+4 info3 ='还剩下'+str(enemy.hp)+'血量'
info = info1+info2+info3
houyi = Hero("后羿",240,23) print(info)
houyi.upgracte() else:
print("等级为:",houyi.level) info3 ='阵亡,游戏结束'
print("血量为:",houyi.hp) info = info1+info2+info3
print("攻击力为:"houyi.attack) print(info)
\ No newline at end of file exit()
yase = Hero('垭瑟')
houyi = Hero('后羿')
\ No newline at end of file
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