Commit 4e31778d by BellCodeEditor

save project

parent ede43fb4
Showing with 7 additions and 3 deletions
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ bg_x = 0
time = 0
gamestate = True
score = 0
speed = 0
old_score = score
block_list = pygame.sprite.Group() # 创建精灵组
......@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ while True:
if event.key == locals.K_SPACE:
jumpState = "up"
speed = 10 + score//3
# 悟空造型
wukong = Player(hero[index])
if jumpState == "runing": # 跑步状态下
......@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ while True:
bg_x = 0
screen.blit(background, (bg_x, 0)) # 远景
road_x -= 8
road_x -= speed
if road_x <= -1000:
road_x = 0
screen.blit(road, (road_x, 500)) # 道路
......@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ while True:
obstacle = Block(bush, cacti, stone)
for sprite in block_list: # 遍历、展示障碍物精灵
sprite.rect.x -= 8
sprite.rect.x -= speed
screen.blit(sprite.image, (sprite.rect.x, sprite.rect.y))
if sprite.rect.x <= 0 - sprite.rect.width:
......@@ -125,7 +127,9 @@ while True:
score += sprite.score
sprite.score = 0
# 分数
if score > old_score:
old_score = score
scoreSurf = basic_font.render("分数:"+str(score), True, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(scoreSurf, (880,20))
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