Commit 2bbe7a3d by BellCodeEditor

auto save

parent 6f872c20
Showing with 30 additions and 7 deletions
import pygame
from pygame import locals
import random
pygame.init() # 初始化
......@@ -13,13 +14,19 @@ background = pygame.image.load('bg.png') # 背景
road = pygame.image.load('road.png') # 路
stone = pygame.image.load('stone.png') # 石头
cacti = pygame.image.load('cacti.png') # 仙人掌
apple = pygame.image.load('bush.png') # 灌木丛
bush = pygame.image.load('bush.png') # 灌木丛
hero = [pygame.image.load('hero1.png'),pygame.image.load('hero2.png'),
index = 0
jumpState = "runing"
y = 400
t = 30
obstacle = random.choice([bush,stone,cacti])
rect = obstacle.get_rect()
rect.x = 1000
rect.y = 500 - rect.height
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
......@@ -27,29 +34,45 @@ while True:
# 接收到退出事件后退出程序
if event.type == locals.KEYDOWN:
if jumpState == "runing":
if event.key == locals.K_SPACE:
jumpState = "up"
if jumpState == "up":
if y > 150:
y -= 5
if t > 0:
y -= t
t -= 2
jumpState = "down"
if jumpState == "down":
if y < 400:
y += 5
if t <= 30: #此处当t=28时,那么y+=28,而t=30.进行下一次循环y+=30,t=32了
y += t #所以需要重置t的值. 若将条件改为t<30,那么当t=28时,y+=28,t变为30
t += 2 #此时t不满足<30,所以y相当于少加了一个30的距离,因此不行
jumpState = "runing"
t = 30
wukong = hero[index]
if jumpState == "runing":
index += 1
if index == 5:
index = 0
# 将背景图画上去
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
screen.blit(road, (0, 500))
screen.blit(wukong, (150, y))
if rect.x < 0 - rect.width: #障碍物消失
obstacle = random.choice([bush,stone,cacti])
rect = obstacle.get_rect() #重新写一遍的原因是,之前写的都在while true
rect.x = 1000 #外面,所以要在循环内重写一次
rect.y = 500 - rect.height
rect.x -= 8
# 刷新画面
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\ No newline at end of file
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