Commit 1654b342 by BellCodeEditor

auto save

parent ea7f2eb8
Showing with 4 additions and 3 deletions
......@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ while True:
info = str(play_m) + ":" +str(play_s)
music_m = music_lenght // 60
music_s = music_lenght % 60
music_m = music_len // 60
music_s = music_len % 60
if music_s < 10 :
music_s = "0" +str(music_s)
info2 = str(music_m) + ":" + str(music_s)
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ while True:
screen.blit(next_img, (420, 350)) # 下一曲
scoreSurf = basic_font.render(info,True,(255,255,255))
scoreSurf2 = basic_font.render("/" + info2,Ture,(0,0,0))
scoreSurf2 = basic_font.render("/" + info2,True,(0,0,0))
# 刷新画面
\ No newline at end of file
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