Commit d6c059bc by BellCodeEditor

save project

parent 3bf0b9e4
Showing with 6 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ body = pygame.image.load('body.png') # 身体
left = pygame.image.load('left.png') # 头 朝左
up = pygame.image.load('up.png') # 头 朝上
down = pygame.image.load('down.png') # 头 朝下
font = pygame.font.Font('neuropol.ttf',18)
x, y = 240, 120
position = [(180, 90), (180, 120), (210, 120), (x, y)]
score = 0
apple_x = 360
apple_y = 300
setheading = "right"
......@@ -71,5 +73,8 @@ while True:
# 将果实画上去
screen.blit(food, (apple_x,apple_y ))
# 刷新画面
info = 'score'+str(score)
text = font.render(info,True,(0,0,0))
\ No newline at end of file
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