Commit 3d5d9af0 by BellCodeEditor

save project

parent d3897b49
Showing with 16 additions and 5 deletions
......@@ -45,17 +45,15 @@ cube_colors = [
(255, 204, 0), (204, 0, 51),(255, 0, 51), (0, 102, 153),
(153, 0, 51), (204, 255, 102), (255, 153, 0)]
center = [2, 8] # 第2行第8列
shape = random.choice(shape_list)
index = random.randint(0, len(shape)-1) # 随机形状索引
current_shape = shape[index]
color = random.choice(cube_colors)
def check(center):
for cube in current_shape:
cube = (cube[0] + center[0], cube[1] + center[1])
if cube[0] < 1 or cube[1] < 1 or cube[0] > grid_num_height\
or cube[1] > grid_num_width:
return False
count = 0
states = False
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == locals.QUIT:
......@@ -82,7 +80,20 @@ while True:
if check(center) == False:
index = old_index
current_shape = shape[index]
if states == False:
states = True
center = [2, 8] # 第2行第8列
shape = random.choice(shape_list)
index = random.randint(0, len(shape)-1) # 随机形状索引
current_shape = shape[index]
color = random.choice(cube_colors)
count += 1
if count % FPS == 0:
center[0] += 1
if check(center) == False:
center[0] -= 1
states = False
# 将背景图画上去
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
# 计算出所有小方块的行、列位置
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