Commit a078f769 by BellCodeEditor

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div id="b68765072b8c447194bfd3fcee61e1b1" class="chart-container" style="width:900px; height:500px;"></div>
var chart_b68765072b8c447194bfd3fcee61e1b1 = echarts.init(
document.getElementById('b68765072b8c447194bfd3fcee61e1b1'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});
var option_b68765072b8c447194bfd3fcee61e1b1 = {
"animation": true,
"animationThreshold": 2000,
"animationDuration": 1000,
"animationEasing": "cubicOut",
"animationDelay": 0,
"animationDurationUpdate": 300,
"animationEasingUpdate": "cubicOut",
"animationDelayUpdate": 0,
"color": [
"series": [
"type": "bar",
"name": "\u811a\u8e29\u7684\u5206",
"legendHoverLink": true,
"data": [
"showBackground": false,
"barMinHeight": 0,
"barCategoryGap": "20%",
"barGap": "30%",
"large": false,
"largeThreshold": 400,
"seriesLayoutBy": "column",
"datasetIndex": 0,
"clip": true,
"zlevel": 0,
"z": 2,
"label": {
"show": true,
"position": "top",
"margin": 8
"legend": [
"data": [
"selected": {
"\u811a\u8e29\u7684\u5206": true
"tooltip": {
"show": true,
"trigger": "item",
"triggerOn": "mousemove|click",
"axisPointer": {
"type": "line"
"showContent": true,
"alwaysShowContent": false,
"showDelay": 0,
"hideDelay": 100,
"textStyle": {
"fontSize": 14
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"padding": 5
"xAxis": [
"show": true,
"scale": false,
"nameLocation": "end",
"nameGap": 15,
"gridIndex": 0,
"inverse": false,
"offset": 0,
"splitNumber": 5,
"minInterval": 0,
"splitLine": {
"show": false,
"lineStyle": {
"show": true,
"width": 1,
"opacity": 1,
"curveness": 0,
"type": "solid"
"data": [
"yAxis": [
"show": true,
"scale": false,
"nameLocation": "end",
"nameGap": 15,
"gridIndex": 0,
"inverse": false,
"offset": 0,
"splitNumber": 5,
"minInterval": 0,
"splitLine": {
"show": false,
"lineStyle": {
"show": true,
"width": 1,
"opacity": 1,
"curveness": 0,
"type": "solid"
from pyecharts.charts import Bar
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