Commit ff310ebe by BellCodeEditor

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parent 6b1fbc15
Showing with 30 additions and 2 deletions
import wordcloud
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import wordcloud # 导入wordcloud模块
from PIL import Image # 导入PTL中的Image模块
import numpy # 导入numpy模块
import jieba # 导入jieba模块
# 读取出python二级考试大纲文本信息
with open('python二级考试大纲.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
text =
txt_list = jieba.lcut(text) # 用jieba.lcut()方法进行分词参数为text并赋值给txt_list
text = " ".join(txt_list) # 用join()方法参数为txt_list连接" "并赋值给text
img ="bell.png") # 用方法打开图片参数为bell.png并赋值给变量img
# 用numpy.array()方法将图片像素值整理成多维数组参数为img并赋值给变量data
data = numpy.array(img)
# 调用wordloud.ImageColorGenerator()方法参数为data并赋值给img_colors
img_colors = wordcloud.ImageColorGenerator(data)
# 建立列表stopwords
stopwords = ["的","python","和","基本","程序"]
# 创建词云对象
# 用wordcloud.Wordcloud()方法参1背景颜色设为白色参2设置词云字体并赋值给变量w参3设置词云模型
# 参4计算出图片对应位置的颜色值参5列表stopwords参6设置最大字体大小为60
mask=data, color_func=img_colors,
stopwords=stopwords, max_font_size=60)
# 传入词云文本内容
w.generate(text) # 用w.generate()方法设置文本内容,参数为text
# 保存为png图片
w.to_file("mycloud.png") # 用w.to_file()方法
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