Commit 3afdd1f7 by BellCodeEditor

save project

parent 82402010
Showing with 4 additions and 4 deletions
......@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ def register(): # 注册验证
def login(): # 登录验证
global app
name, password = app_login.get_input()
pwd = users.get(name)
if pwd == password:
user_name = users.get(name)
if user_name != None and user_name["password"]==password:
messagebox.showinfo("成功", "登录成功")
app = Note()
{"admin": "admin", "python": "123456", "xg": {"password": "1", "event": ["\u63d0\u793a1", "\u63d0\u793a2"]}}
\ No newline at end of file
{"admin": "admin", "python": "123456", "xg": {"password": "1", "event": ["\u63d0\u793a1", "\u63d0\u793a2"]}, "\u7231\u4e0a\u5bf9\u65b9\u8fc7\u540e\u5c31\u54ed\u4e86": {"password": "123456", "event": ["\u63d0\u793a1", "\u63d0\u793a2"]}}
\ No newline at end of file
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