Commit a9e16447 by BellCodeEditor

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parent 4d405cc4
Showing with 4 additions and 4 deletions
......@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ def reg_to_login(): # 注册界面转登录界面
def register(): # 注册验证
name, password1, password2 = app_reg.get_input()
if name=="" or password1=="" or passsword=="":
if name=="" or password1=="" or password2=="":
messagebox.showwarning("警告", "请填写完整的注册资料")
elif name in user:
elif name in users:
messagebox.showwarning("错误", "用户名已经存在!")
elif password1 != password2:
messagebox.showwarning("错误", "两次密码不一致!")
{"admin": "123", "python": "123456"}
\ No newline at end of file
{"admin": "123", "python": "123456", "123": "123", "12345": "123"}
\ No newline at end of file
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