Commit a13cc3f4 by BellCodeEditor

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parent 18891748
Showing with 18 additions and 0 deletions
import random
str = "port:@#$%^&"
str1 = "xxx是大聪明"
str2 = "rfhjrtgfjrtjtrdjrtjhrtyytjtdhrththrtjtfjtyjrdht6yjghtjyghtfdjhtyndrthrthkfgufgngudhnufhnrtmnhtnhruibrdgnbdfiobnfjobguifbnjifnbufbufnunfgunbufgnbunbunbnfibnfbfnbuinfubnufnbpijgukfchufi"
ran_str0 = list(str2)
for i in range(len(str2)):
a = str2[i]
b = random.choice(str1)
c = random.choice(str1)
str3 = str3 + a + b + c
result = random.randint(0,len(str3))
list_str3 = list(str3)
message = ''.join(list_str3)
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