Commit 3a21091e by BellCodeEditor

auto save

parent b7c97470
Showing with 6 additions and 5 deletions
import turtle #调用海龟画图库
s=1 #设置初始长度变量
pen = turtle.Pen() #设置画笔变量pen
screen = turtle.Screen() #设置画布变量screen
screen.bgcolor("black") #设置画布背景颜色
colors=["red","orange","yellow","green"] #设置颜色的列表
pen.speed(0) #设置画笔速度
for i in range(300): #有限循环300次,注意括号和英文的冒号
pen.forward(s) #前进s步
for i in range(1,300): #有限循环299次,从1开始到299结束
pen.pencolor(colors[i%4]) #用对4取余的方法调用颜色列表里的颜色
pen.forward(i) #前进s步
pen.right(91) #右转91度
s=s+1 #变量s每次+1
pen.hideturtle() #隐藏画笔
turtle.done() #保存画布
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