Commit c57f4fb3 by BellCodeEditor

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parent 3ee0ddd0
Showing with 7 additions and 9 deletions
import turtle import turtle
__Pen = turtle.Pen() __Pen = turtle.Pen()
for __count in range(36): __Pen.pensize(turtle.numinput('对话框', '请输入画笔大小', 1, 1))
__Pen.forward(200) __Pen.speed(turtle.numinput('对话框', '请输入画笔速度', 5, 1))
daxiao = turtle.numinput('对话框', '请输入五角星大小', 30, 10)
for __count in range(5):
__Pen.right(144) __Pen.right(144)
\ No newline at end of file
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