Commit 2dddb23c by BellCodeEditor

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parent 30cbc75f
Showing with 43 additions and 11 deletions
""" # print("悟空")
请使用turtle模块画出五角星 # print("小贝")
""" # for i in range(10):
import turtle # print("悟空")
pen=turtle.Pen() # print("齐天大圣"+"vs"+"六耳猕猴")
for i in range(5): # print("姓名"+"潘建宇")
pen.forward(200) # print("爱好"+"吃")
pen.right(144) # print("性别"+"男")
pen.hideturtle() # print("年纪"+"12")
turtle.done() # import turtle
\ No newline at end of file # pen=turtle.Pen()
# for i in range(6):
# pen.forward(100)
# pen.right(60)
# pen.hideturtle()
# turtle.done()
# name=input("请输入姓名:潘建宇")
# score=input("请输入成绩:90+")
# print(name+"的成绩是:90+"score)
# week=input("今天是星期几:星期五")
# if week=="星期一"
# print("今天学钢琴")
# elif week=="星期三"
# rint("今天学编程")
# elif week=="星期六"
# print("今天学英语")
# else:
# print("今天学国学")
# import random
# list=["雨蛙","长颈鹿","蜥蜴","海豚"]
# animal=rendom.choice(list)
# print(animal)
# if animal=="雨蛙":
# print("它是两栖动物")
# elif animal=="蜥蜴"
# print("它是爬行动物")
# else:
# print("它是哺乳动物")
import random
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