Commit 241a0837 by BellCodeEditor

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parent b8ccd1f5
Showing with 6 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ class Player(Hero):
self.hero_type = hero_type
print("角色""创建成功,英雄类型为:", self.hero_type)
def cure(self): # 治疗
blood = random.randint(30,50)
self.hp += blood
if self.hp>self.max_hp:
self.hp = self.max_hp
print("使用了治疗,血量增加:", 60,",目前的血量为:",self.hp)
houyi = Player("射手", "后羿")
yase = Hero("垭瑟")
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