Commit aa151a35 by BellCodeEditor

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parent 1ca463c4
Showing with 21 additions and 16 deletions
import turtle def new_input():
pen=turtle.Pen() total = []
pen.write("诺依",font=("Times",18,"normal")) while True:
pen.hideturtle() money = input('请输入(q退出):')
pen1=turtle.Pen() if money == 'q':
pen1.pencolor("red") break
pen1.pensize(5) else:
pen1.left(45) try:
pen1.forward(100) unit = int(money),180) except:
pen1.right(90) print("请输入一个数字"),180) else:
pen1.forward(100) total.append(money)
pen1.hideturtle() finally:
turtle.done() print("-"*30)
\ No newline at end of file return total
result = new_input()
\ No newline at end of file
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